Your Safe Space for Healing and Growth

Supportive, Compassionate, and Understanding Therapy for People Navigating No and Low Contact with Family. Available in Pennsylvania and 30+ Participating Psypact States.

Hi, I’m Dr. Lauren Bartholomew

I understand that the decision to go no contact with family members is a deeply personal one, often marked by complex emotions and a range of experiences. As a licensed psychologist experienced in supporting individuals in these situations, I am dedicated to providing a compassionate and non-judgmental environment where you can freely express yourself. With empathy as my guiding light, I acknowledge the deep emotional toll such choices can take and provides a safe space for individuals to explore and articulate their feelings without judgment.

Why Choose PIPS?

Specialized Expertise

I bring specialized experience in estrangement and family dynamics, offering tailored guidance to those on the path of no or low contact.

Compassionate Understanding

Your feelings are valid. In our sessions, I provide a safe and non-judgmental space where you can express your emotions, fears, and hopes without reservation.

Holistic Healing

Beyond addressing the challenges of no and low contact, we’ll explore holistic healing—nurturing your mental, emotional, and social well-being.

Wondering if therapy for no or low contact is right for you?

It's a question many grapple with. If you're uncertain whether therapy can support you on your path to healing, consider the following:

Understanding Your Journey

Therapy provides a safe space to explore the reasons behind your decision for no or low contact. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of your family dynamics, helping you gain clarity and insight.

Emotional Support

The emotional toll of no or low contact can be overwhelming. Through counseling, you'll have a compassionate ally to share your experiences, process your emotions, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.


Therapy is not about forcing reconciliation but empowering you to make informed decisions about your relationships. Gain the tools and resilience to set boundaries and foster personal growth.

Building Boundaries

Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial to finding peace in your chosen path. We will work together to identify boundaries that serve your well-being and create strategies for effectively communicating and enforcing them.

Next Steps

1. Free Consultation

Reach out to schedule a free, no obligation consultation to learn if I am the right therapist for you. You can ask me questions and learn more about how I can help you.

2. Find Clarity

Understand how your emotions, thought patterns, and beliefs may be keeping you stuck—and gain new tools and skills that will help you overcome these barriers and meet your goals.

3. Make Consistent, Positive Change

Work toward leading a life you love with consistent, positive changes that support your growth and healing.

Contact PIPS